Formulating Hypothesis in Research

Formulating Hypothesis

Hypothesis Formulation is –

-the process of creating possible, tentative  explanations for a given set of information.
-the whole Process of creating and formulating the hypothesis

How is Hypothesis Formulated

Reichenbach (1938) made a distinction between the two processes found commonly in any hypothesis formulation -

-Context of Discovery:
--Hypotheses is ‘discovered’ from earlier research findings, existing theories and personal observations, and experience.

-Context of justification:
--When a Researcher reconstructs his thoughts and communicates them in the form of a hypothesis to others, he uses the context of justification –

Steps in Formulation of Hypothesis

-Understand the area of problem
-Consider goal
-Identify variables
-identify the relationship between the variables.
-Think critically about hypothesis
-Express the idea as own hypothesis

Process of Hypothesis Formulation

-Understand the area of problem
Understand the problem that is being worked on.

-Consider goal
After selecting the problem & understanding the problem, objectives have to be selected according to the problem

-Identify variables
Must be define the variables.
Variables in hypothesis are testable not ?
Specify dependent and independent & others  variables.

-Identify the relationship between the variables.
Variables are  influence each other or not?

-Think critically about hypothesis
Hypothesis are testable, verifiable  or not ? Which will make able to confirm the hypothesis.

-Express the idea as own hypothesis
Here researcher made the hypothesis in a Tentative Solution Statement manner
