Branches of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Axiology

Branches of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Axiology

Branches of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Axiology 

Philosopher divide study area of philosophy in three main parts-Metaphysics, Epistemology and Axiology. On the other hand, many western philosophers divide it in to five major parts-Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology, Logic and Aesthetics.

As regards division of study area of philosophy as per Indian and western philosophers, it is desirable to clear four things. First is that in philosophy, logical methods too are discussed in context of attaining knowledge, hence it can be kept under Epistemology. Second is that in Indian philosophy, axiology is included in ethics and in western philosophy, axiology contains ethics, hence we can take them together. Third is that philosophy only considers actual aesthetics and ways to attain these aesthetics and both these concepts are part of metaphysics and ethics, hence it is not correct to consider aesthetics separately. Fourth is that, now we study philosophies of different nations together, hence we should divide their subject matter in some classes only. As per above discussion, it is clear that these classes can only be-Metaphysics, Epistemology & Logic and Axiology & Ethics. Here, we present a brief of subject matter of all three—

A.     Metaphysics —

Metaphysics =  Meta (“beyond”, “upon” or “after”)  +   Physika, (“physics”)  = Beyond the Physics

Meaning of Metaphysics =  Study of Creation /  Science of Creation  /  Study of Physics

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate nature of reality or existence. It asks questions such as ‘What exists?’ or ‘What is real?’ Metaphysicians seek an irreducible foundation of reality or ‘first principles’ from which absolute knowledge or truth can be induced and deduced. The term metaphysics is derived from the Greek words “meta” means (“beyond”, “upon” or “after”) and physika, means (“physics”). Literally it refers ‘those things after the physics.’ Aristotle’s writings on ‘first philosophy’ came after his treatise on physics, therefore, Aristotle’s editor, Andronicus of Rhodes, named them metaphysics. Scope of metaphysics is quite wide in philosophy.

1.       Teleology-Cause-Effect theoryof the Universe or discipline of universe
2.       Cosmology -Science of universe
3.       Ontology -Science of authority
4.       Theology -Soul related knowledge and god related knowledge

It explains universe- creator of universe, soul-god, creature world and human life as well. It also explains actual aesthetics. Analysis of actual aesthetics is now called Aesthetics. Whatever has been logically thought and discussed till now, is its subject matter.

B.     Epistemology

Epistemology  =  Episteme (knowledge, understanding )  +  Logos ( Science )  =  Science of Knowledge

Meaning of Epistemology  =  Science of Knowledge  /  Study of Knowledge

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge and is also referred to as “theory of knowledge”. Etymologically the word epistemology has been derived from the Greek words episteme, meaning “knowledge, understanding”, and logos, meaning “study of”. In other words we can say that Epistemology is the study of the nature, source, and validity of knowledge. It seeks to answer of the basic questions as “What is true?” and “How do we know?” Thus epistemology covers two areas: the content of thought and thought itself. Or in educational terms: curriculum and instruction or content and method.

The study of epistemology deals with issues related to the dependability of knowledge and the validity of the sources through which we gain information.
1.       Empiricism- which emphasizes the role of experience, especially experience based on perceptual observations by the five senses in the formation of ideas, while discounting the notion of innate ideas.
2.       Rationalism- which holds that knowledge is not derived from experience, but rather is acquired by a priori processes or is innate (in the form of concepts) or intuitive.
3.       Criticism- Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something.
4.       Instuitionism- is an approach where mathematics is considered to be purely the result of the constructive mental activity of humans rather than the discovery of fundamental principles claimed to exist in an objective reality.

In the field of epistemology, discussion on human intelligence, nature of knowledge, limit of knowledge, authenticity of knowledge, tools of attaining knowledge, methods of attaining knowledge, relation between person who knows and person who is trying to received knowledge, methods of logic, true-false evidence and illusion are part of it. Whatever has been logically thought and discussed till now, is its subject matter.

A.     Axiology

Axiology  =  Axios  (Values )  +  Logos  ( Science )  =  Science of Values

Meaning of Axiology  =  Science of Values  /  Study of Values

Axiology, which stems from two Grrek words- “Axios” means “value, worth” and “logos” means “reason/ theory/ symbol / science/study of”. Hence, Axiology is the philosophical study of value and “value” originally meant the worth of something. Axiology asks the questions: What is a value? Where do values come from? How do we justify our values? How do we know what is valuable? What is the relationship between values and knowledge? What kinds of values exist? Can it be demonstrated that one value is better than another? Who benefits from values? etc.
It has discussion on ideals and values of human life, resources of getting ultimate objective of life and workable and non-workable karma. Analysis of workable and non-workable karma is only called Ethics. We know that any ideal becomes value only when it is reflected in our behavior, becomes part of our behavior. It is obvious that value and behavior are linked to each other, values direct and regulate our behavior and conduct and our conduct reflects those values. There is no value of any philosophy, if it does not provide guidance to conduct. It also contains analysis of attaining actual aesthetics of life apart from these analyses. Whatever has been logically thought and discussed till now, is its subject matter.

1.        Ethics is the study of right and wrong in human action or the study of action. Some of the questions treated by the field of ethics are: wat is right?, are there any objective standards of right and wrong?, are moral values absolute or relative?, and what should I do?

2.        Aesthetics is the study of beauty or the study of art. Among the questions aesthetics deals with are: what makes a thing beautiful?, are there any objective standards of beauty?, and what can life be like?
