Approaches to Educational Research - Qualitative & Quantitative

Qualitative Research

A type of research meant for qualitative description of the behavior and events observed in their natural setting and specialized techniques for the analysis and interpretation of the collected qualitative data.

Characteristics of
Qualitative Research

Emphasis on natural setting and cultural context.

Primary aimed to describe and secondary aim is to analyze the events & things occurring in the natural setting.

Here participants are selected through non-random method

Data collected from the natural set-up.
The qualitative research is based on inductive reasoning.

Types : Ethnography, Phenomenology, Grounded theory, Case study, Historical Research

Quantitative Research

It tries to seek quantitative description of the things observed in the natural setting or otherwise being manipulated by the researcher in his study.

Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
It is merely concerned with the quantitative description of the things observed.

Here sample are collected through random method.

This research is based on deductive reasoning.

In quantitative research takes the information from the participants mostly in quantitative forms or quantitative expression.
